Projekt badawczy Polska-Namibia 2010

Treponem Pal - Sweet Vibes : 0
Van Der Graff Generator - Killer : 5

Primordial - The Coffin Ships : 2
Queen - Show Must Go On : 3

Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia : 2
Camel - Pressure Points : 3

Gary Moore - Wild Frontier : 1
King Crimson - Epitaph : 4

If you wrongly think of them as pressured situations, you will have a bad understanding of pressure which will cause you problems when you encounter real pressure.

I am not saying that they are massive high pressure situations. But don't you think that training with someone chasing you, or trying to beat a time adds a little more incentive? Because in a real emergency performance matters. You can be a nice guy, with great philosophy and so on but in an emergency, whatever it is, it matters whether you get where your going on time, or get away from your pursuer.

Training like this forces you to work with the skill you have, teaches you that if you don't push past an obstacle you will be caught/late, that failure matters. Granted you will only gain a small advantage but it's better than nothing and what is the alternative?

At best, training chases and timing yourself, when you experience them as pressured situations, will be giving very minor help with pressure and greatly hindering your ability to gain perspective on life. This is not a good trade in parkour terms.

I don't understand what you mean by the above quote. You seem to be saying that attaching any importance to beating a time or not being caught will somehow make you a nervous wreck. Put it in perspective. If you fail to make a jump you may feel frustrated but it doesn't stop you from trying again and when you achieve it you can't help but feel a little sense of accomplishment. Same with beating a time or not getting caught.

Besides I thought the whole point of parkour (physically, I am not interested in discussing philosophy) was the rapid and efficient passing of obstacles. How can actually training this be bad for your parkour?

Szablon by Sliffka (© Projekt badawczy Polska-Namibia 2010)