Projekt badawczy Polska-Namibia 2010

Male sprostowanie dla pseldo specow. po pierwsze promo podkrecanie procka skoro jestes takim specem od podkrecania prockow to chyba sie domyslasz ze po przetaktowywaniu procesora przepala sie izolacja co w sumie doprowadza do zmniejszenia wydajnosci. (jesli sie powiekszy napiecie do 5% nic sie nie powino stac ale w twoim przypadku jak bys powrucil to by wyszlo w okolicach 1,5 ghz ). po drogie widze ze probojecie porownywac pentium d z pozostalom grupom wiec tak pentium d to jeden z pierwszych procesorow 2 rdzeniowych i na dodatek leprzy od inych jesli bierzemy tylko wydajnosc w grach. po pierwsze szyna 800 i tak nie jestes w stanie jej wykorzystac a jak masz 1333 to tylko pic na wode chyba ze masz kolo 10 ghz . kolejna sprawa duze taktowanie bo az do 3,2 na rdzen jak moze niektorzy wiedzom nie liczy sie liczba ale ile masz na 2 bo i tak w grach tylko 1 rdzen bedzie uzywany jako glowny a drogi najwyzej do obliczania pobocznych malo istotnych rzeczy. kolejna sprawa czym sie ruzni intel core 2 od pentium d a w sumie to tylko zuzyciem prondu i obslogiwane technologie czyli jak jestes jakim specem od czegos typu programowanie to ci sie moze przydac ale jak grasz to tylko wiecej wydasz. a i jezcze jedno jak sie nie znacie to nie piszcie.

Hello Thorsten,

Thank you for your quickly answer. It's looks like that I
can't avoid to learn the programmer language of the PIC.

In case I wait for the new PIC , I have to change my
programmer and so on. I think it isn't worth it.

To make my intention a little bit more clear, I want to
modify the MIDIfilter in the way that it check some
button or if possible some pots, and add the value to the
midi data. Normaly it should be the lastevent2. I think
to implement it in the with an additional timer tick.

So, if I'm right that the Midibox16e will be able to manage
a DIN and a AIN module, I wolud like to please you to send
me the source code of it. I think that I have to discover
the programmers world ;-).



Moi aussi je suis en dessous des tensions normales. J'ai quand mĂżme testĂŠ de programmer mon pic et apparemment ça Ă  fonctionnĂŠ, les tests "Verfiy after programming" et  "Verify during programming" me retourne Ok...

Comme je n'ai pas fini toute ma partie hardware je ne peux pas tester, vous pensez que c'est bon ou pas?

Question Ă  30 centimes d'euro, n'aurais-tu pas inverser le midi in et le midi out ?
N'as-tu pas mis l'optocoupleur IC2 Ă  l'envers ?
Le shema mbhp_core reprÊsente les prises vue de derrière, peut ÿtre as tu branchÊ à l'envers. Idem pour le sens de D1.

Normalement tu n'as pas besoin du Midi Out pour programmer le PIC. Tu ne reçois pas l'acquitement, mais ça marche quand mÿme.

J'ai lu dans un autre de tes posts que tu ne voyais pas de signal en testant avec une diode sur Midi Out. Mesures-tu 5 volts en aval de R9, as-tu bien la continuitĂŠ entre R7 et la broche 25 (TX) du PIC ? La masse est bien prĂŠsente au centre ?
Mais fais surtout ces vĂŠrifications sur Midi In.

Je ne sais pas quoi te dire d'autre à part reprendre les plans et ton voltmètre et vÊrifier 1000 fois.

Si tu ne trouves toujours pas, peut-Ăżtre que ton PIC est HS. Cela m'est arrivĂŠ suite Ă  des mauvaises manipulations. Tu peux toujours demander des ĂŠchantillons chez microchip pour t'en assurer.


J'ai des soucis aussi pour programmer le PIC  :-[ :-[ :-[ J'ai la version minimale d'une midibox SID, le PIC est flashÊ. Au dÊmarrage j'ai le message suivant : F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 puis j'envoies le fichier mios_v1_7.syx avec la commande SEND SYSEX (avant les fameuses 2 secondes). Le loader envoie un message confirmant la  rÊception aprÊs chaque bloc (la 7ième paire de chiffre en partant de la gauche =0f). Quelle est l'Êtape suivante? Je pensais envoyer le fichier setup_8580_without_cs.syx dans la foulÊe mais cela ne change rien au comportement de la midibox  :- :- :-

Salut! Je reviens par ici après un bon moment d'absence ;D

J'avais commencÊ il y a presque 2 ans maintenant un nouveau projet Midibox (après ma première: Photo).

J'Êtais parti sur l'idÊe d'environ 40 entrÊes analogiques (faders + pots) et 32 entrÊes numÊriques. Le problème c'est que j'ai un peu perdu tout ça de vue et que j'ai du mal à m'y remettre, j'aurais donc besoin de vos conseils.

- Puis je utiliser des boutons on/off et des encoders sur le mĂżme module DIN?
- Suis je obligĂŠ de programmer mon pic avec la version "E" de l'application?

Merci d'avance pour vos rĂŠponses!

Maybe I need to build a new core?

Absolutely not - and I'm also sure, that you don't need to reburn the bootloader with a PIC programmer.

MIOS and firmware can be easily uploaded via MIDI within a couple of seconds, thereafter your installation will be up-to-date again. :)

I would recomment to install the latest MIOS version (MIOS V1.9e), and to try MIDIbox SID V1.7303 and MIDIbox SID V2.0beta4 (note: beta4 will be the last one which runs on a PIC18F4620 - with beta5 the 64k border has been reached)

I propose this, as I cannot guarantee, that any application version will work with any MIOS version. I can only recomment: whenever you notice a strange behaviour, please always make sure that you are using the latest releases.

Please let me know if you still notice random characters after the update

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Hi opiumx. For the MIOS SID box, you need to burn the Bootstrap Loader (, see MIOS download page) on the PIC 18F.
Once that is done, you can upload new firmwares over MIDI to the PIC, without the need for a programmer. (see MIOS Bootstrap loader page)

About the settings for burning the PIC, IC-Prog takes care of those as described in the JDM programmer page under MB Hardware Platform.

hope this helps!

Hi Christoph,

does this help?

Patching the .hex file If your PIC programmer doesn't allow to edit the ID field, it's also possible to patch the .hex file instead. Just open the .hex file, and search for the line below ":020000040020DA" which begins with :08000000 The following eight bytes (16 digits) are the ID values in hexadecimal format. The last value is the checksum over these 8 bytes (0 - byte1 - byte2 - ... - byte8) Here some examples: Normal ID field (all 8 bytes are zero) - to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x00 :080000000000000000000000F8 to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x01 :080000000000000000000001F7 to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x02 :080000000000000000000002F6 to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x03 :080000000000000000000003F5 to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x00, KS0108 GLCD driver (1) :080000000000000000001000E8 to-COM disabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x00, custom LCD driver (7) :08000000000000000000700088 to-COM enabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x00 :080000000000000000000100F7 to-COM enabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x01 :080000000000000000000101F6 to-COM enabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x02 :080000000000000000000102F5 to-COM enabled, MIOS Device ID = 0x03 :080000000000000000000103F4

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Okay, I did find a bridged solder connection....

When the unit first boots up, I should see 2 seconds of a different SysEx messages (kind of like a RARP / BootP type thing in the network world). Then it should switch to the PitchBend / SystemReset messages?

The good news is this... I was looking around in the kitchen, and I discovered a parallel port PIC programmer. A friend made a few of them along with a few parallel port to DMX converters and sent me one of each..... The thing I need to research now is if I can wire the 18F series to the 16F series programmer? It seems like it might just be pin count / extra I/O on the 18F ?

Will research.

If you use the MIOS boot loader you can compile the application code and download it to the PIC via the MIDI port. This means you don't need a seperate programmer. This is why an in-circuit programmer is rarely mentioned.

I use the Microchip ICD2 module to program and debug PIC code in-circuit. Since ICP uses two pins on port B a jumper setup like is on the core schematic is needed to allow programming and use of these pins for the LCD.

To avoid having to use the jumper setup I run my LCD in 4-bit mode so port B bits 6 and 7 are free. Then I can use the ICD2 and the LCD at the same time. :D


MBHP_BURNER is not beta anymore, as I mentioned: the PCB will be released soon. It might look harder, but it works more reliable due to the external voltage source. I wouldn't recomment to build a burner/programmer without a PIC socket

Anyway, I could ask the forum here to burn my PIC FOR FREE??! Shocked

If so, is it really possible because I live in Singapore.

One month earlier, and I would have been able to help you directly in Singapore (theoretically, because I was very busy there ;-))

However, you could ask Frank, he lives in Singapore

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Szablon by Sliffka (© Projekt badawczy Polska-Namibia 2010)